MOVIDO: Asuntos aduaneros

Iniciado por V/S, 24 de Noviembre de 2014, 06:31:48 PM

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-  Sansa Clip+ (Rockboxed), iPod Classic 7G.
-  Sennheiser Momentum, SoundMAGIC HP150, HD 25-C-II, Grado Alessandro MS1i, AKG 420, Koss PortaPro, TDK BA200, Sony MH1c, Sennheiser PMX-680, Radiopaq Dots...
-  Leckerton UHA-6S.MkII, Headstage Arrow 4G, Fiio E06, PA2V2.

"... But that's the secret of life, I think, to find always something better, to find new inspirations, new enthusiasms. Nothing is ever perfect, and there is always something new to discover." (Claudio Abbado)